Sep 6Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

As a nineteen-year-old here, please do consider us youths! As someone who loves to read, I would very much enjoy seeing your recommendations for us on both Catholic and fiction books (if you have any of the latter).

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Definitely check out the fiction, fantasy, and poetry categories, all of which already include books along these lines.

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Will do! Thank you!

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Sep 6Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

How wonderful that Julian found the platform, and that by your joint efforts we now can consider titles you recommend most highly (as opposed to titles you have ever recommended.) I am ordering Chiron, Shaw, Chessman and the one about modest dress to support Tradition and Sanity. And the post was a sheer delight to read, start to finish. (Having nearly memorized The Happy Prince when raising our son in the eighties, and reading Julian’s review, I will eagerly check the local library for that one.)

Thanks, you two, and God bless!


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Sep 6Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

Well I will read the Saint Expery even if I never read The Little Prince!

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Sep 6Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

Great list; a decent number I’m unfamiliar with. I’ve been looking for a good bio of Archbishop Lefebvre but see nothing on the list other than potentially the Chiron work. Interesting no Chesterton, Walker Percy, Flannery O’Connor or Ronald Knox (that I noticed).

Be interesting to read a post on your thoughts on William F Buckley’s “Nearer My God” which was somewhat disappointing. Richard Neuhaus mentioned he had some issues with Buckley’s theology but didn’t elucidate.

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The trouble with lists is that they can get overwhelming, so I have tried to keep mine to my very favorite of favorite books. I should get around to putting some GKC and Knox on there. In fact, I will, but gradually.

Tissier de Mallerais's monumental biography of Lefebvre is the definitive work for those who want a deep dive. Chiron's book "Between Rome and Rebellion" and Sire's "Phoenix from the Ashes" give sufficient info on Lefebvre for general readers.

Buckley was at his best on Firing Line, in my opinion. As a writer he's uneven. And even as a Catholic he was not always orthodox. You see this in the letters that Neil McCaffrey would write to him:


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Sep 12Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

USA postage to Ireland a big drawback. Any way you could link with Cenacle Press Silverstream monastery (near Julianstown ) Co Meath Ireland.

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Yes, regretfully, you are right. I do know that the Silverstream bookstore carries a number of the books I recommend here, and other titles could also be recommended to them.

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Sep 7Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

Would the book by Dom Prius be age appropriate for a 13-14 yr old who needs some help with this topic?

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I think as long as the youth in question was serious (that is, the type who enjoys reading) and open-minded. I don't think it would convince someone who is already thinking in a worldly way, if you understand what I mean. It will work best for those who are trying to be good Catholics but just have no idea how to navigate this challenging area.

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Sep 7Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

Wonderful idea, a great list, too. I will check back periodically and see your recommendations. Thank you! That modesty book looks very intriguing.

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Sep 6Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

I will put this here, if I may. My new copy of 'The Path to Rome" from Os Justi Press

arrived today. A lovely book, and I am impressed with their customer service.

Thank you so much for the recommendation.

Now I can pass on my older copy to a friend.

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I think Julian would be pleased with the streaming service Qobuz which I have recently discovered after its Canadian launch: https://www.qobuz.com/ca-en/discover

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