With regard to the upcoming conclave which will likely be sooner rather than later but we'll see. Bishop Strickland wrote an excellent substack post about this and his main theme was: we absolutely cannot accept another (my word, not Bishop Strickland's) man in that office who does not hold the Catholic faith. No matter who the cardinals vote for we must make it clear from the outset that if there are grounds to believe that this man does not hold the Catholic faith he must be rejected.
Say the conclave does elect another non-Catholic. How would the rejection take place? I can't imagine the Bishops suddenly acquiring spines and protesting. Laity marching in the streets? Just what could we do?
Is there an effort being made by scholars and language experts to create a Latin Braille language? A catechumen at my parish is totally blind, and he has told me that a Latin version of Braille doesn't exist.
With regard to the upcoming conclave which will likely be sooner rather than later but we'll see. Bishop Strickland wrote an excellent substack post about this and his main theme was: we absolutely cannot accept another (my word, not Bishop Strickland's) man in that office who does not hold the Catholic faith. No matter who the cardinals vote for we must make it clear from the outset that if there are grounds to believe that this man does not hold the Catholic faith he must be rejected.
Say the conclave does elect another non-Catholic. How would the rejection take place? I can't imagine the Bishops suddenly acquiring spines and protesting. Laity marching in the streets? Just what could we do?
Is there an effort being made by scholars and language experts to create a Latin Braille language? A catechumen at my parish is totally blind, and he has told me that a Latin version of Braille doesn't exist.
I've never thought of that, and don't know the answer.
(I do know that at least one of my books, "Noble Beauty, Transcendent Holiness," is available in Braille.)