Happy to join the FSSP in their Novena & Consecration. Question: Is the Vatican done with their "visits" to their Seminaries, etc. I've reached out to the FSSP Church I attend when in FL, but haven't heard back yet. PRAY
The visitation is continuing. I believe the European part is done, now the USA side happens, with visits to the OLGS seminary in Denton and several apostolates. Maybe the HQ in Pennsylvania too? I'm not sure.
A visitation scheduled for my FSSP parish in Sacramento. Can’t believe I actually sang rather than read that extremely entertaining and clever Gilbert and Sullivan adaptation. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a great laugh! Thank you for sharing!
Pray hard, that's all I can say. I have no inside information, but I don't trust anyone from Rome or sent by Rome anymore. It's terrible to have to say that, yet all the evidence bears it out. God preserve us and protect us.
Oh dear... I'm out of the country and won't be back in time, too! I didn't plan on interacting with them, but I was looking forward (in a frightened kind of way) to seeing how it would go -- or at least to standing side-by-side with my fellow Trads as we all undergo scrutiny.
Whisper it quietly, but I think it went well. The bishops complimented us on a lot of things and as far as I'm aware, didn't have one bad thing to say about us.
John Church is a good friend of mine. He told me his little popesplainer Gilbert and Sullivan satire would be seeing the light of day soon. Glad to see it!
I immediately reread Matthew 16. So much in that chapter for sure. This might just be stylistic, but does anyone one know why verse 19 refers to keys plural rather than key singular?
Supplementary: Can you or your readers recommend a good devotional for meditating on the First Saurdays/First Fridays?
There are various interpretations but among the most common are that there are two keys (as you can see in most artistic representations), the one representing authority over earthly affairs, the other authority over heavenly or spiritual ones; or one key represents doctrinal authority and the other disciplinary jurisdiction.
For the First Saturdays, any classic Marian literature will work well. For First Fridays, you can't go wrong reading the great saints of the Sacred Heart: St. Gertrude the Great, St. Mechtild of Hackeborn, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
The best devotional for meditations on the First Saturdays are the Infancy Narratives of St Matthew and especially St Luke, with St Luke going all the way to the Finding in the Temple. Also, the last eight chapters of St John, especially the Last Will and Testament of the Sacred Heart, which mirrors the Immaculate Heart, and of course the accounts of the Passion in the other three Gospels.
The Three Keys given to St Peter are represented by the two swords the Apostles showed Christ, which are named by Boniface VIII (A really bad pope, by the way, who murdered his predecessor, who unlawfully abdicated... but I digress), the temporal and spiritual. And the spiritual has two parts- doctrinal and moral, so a total of three keys, if you will.
These keys are contrasted to the single key given to the Star that Fell from heaven in the Apocalypse, to open the Bottomless Pit, bringing forth forces that usurp temporal authority and wear crowns of "Imitation Gold". These are the modern political leaders who have no true authority, and to whom we should swear no fealty, as they are enemies of the Gospel of Christ.
The link to Kmita's 666 article is broken, and a search of Kmita's Library itself yields no results. Can anyone please help me track it down? Many thanks in advance.
Vigilius (in a very nice article) writes: "In my opinion, the problem with this moral-psychological definition of the essence of the celibate life is not that it incorrectly describes the anthropological and subjective-spiritual effect that could possibly be observed phenomenologically. The difficulty is rather that Woityla makes this effect the motive of celibacy. This turns the description into an anthropocentric, i.e. a subject-theoretically framed justification."
Or in Kierkegaardian terms, celibacy is judged by aesthetic/intellectual standards, instead of apostolic standards. Same goes for Wojtyla's (and his many lesser acolytes') approach to 'theology of the body.'
From the "Don't try to save the local parish" article:
"The only option was to correct the priests’ actions and words, but that puts us in the awkward position of possibly disrespecting the one who has spiritual authority over us. [What does that mean?!] And I have a very high view of the priesthood and did not want to be in a position of regularly criticizing priests." Um... cognitive dissonance much?
Our Lady of Fatima who? God, at Fatima, made a New Covenant with man, salvation of souls through devotion to the Immaculate Heart. Why? Because the Institutional Church is going to be destroyed. "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist"- Our Lady of La Salette.
Modernism was condemned by Pius X, but he unfortunately did not clean out the modernists in his own curia namely, Cardinals Rampolla and Gibbons, and Bishop Ireland, who made brought democracy and freedom to the Philippines. He even told Gibbons how wonderful America was. Huh? Pius X was really the first of the great reformers. Among other things, he demoted Candlemas Day. What a shame.
Your vote for the Orange Messiah was a vote for the Apocalypse. Just saying. Trump is every bit the puppet that Biden was, and a flaming Ziocon to boot. Well, enjoy WW3 and the annihilation of your nation. Good riddance. (Anybody taking either politics or the Vatican seriously at this point has lost the plot, hopefully people will understand that soon and not make compromises to stay with the party of the Antichrist, as many did with Fauci Ouchie- some to their eternal remorse.) You might want to read "The Franklin Coverup" by Mr DeCamp for some of the Cliff's Notes on the Satanists Trump has been involved with.
The pre-1955 Missal is a vast step in the right direction. The 1947 Liturgy Committee appointed by Pius XII was a softening up process for the imposition of the Abomination of Desolation- er, the Bogus Ordo, which was planned in the Masonic Lodges in 1850 and prophesied by Canon Roca. (His very astute notes were preserved in "Athanasius and the Church of Our Times" by Bishop Graber. Roca said that vatican II would forged the knife under which the Papacy would die. Mission accomplished. And his Apostolic Constitution Sacramentum Ordinis, with its bogus definitions, paved the way for Paul VI and the "Reformers" to abolish the Sacrament of Holy orders. (The Fraternal Society of St Peter might be interested in the Fine print as well as patrons to their chapels.) As for me, I'll stand with the Council of Florence and St Thomas Aquinas. Accept only true liturgy from true priests, and anathematize all imitations and substitutions, just like Betty Crocker baking her wedding cake.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Happy to join the FSSP in their Novena & Consecration. Question: Is the Vatican done with their "visits" to their Seminaries, etc. I've reached out to the FSSP Church I attend when in FL, but haven't heard back yet. PRAY
The visitation is continuing. I believe the European part is done, now the USA side happens, with visits to the OLGS seminary in Denton and several apostolates. Maybe the HQ in Pennsylvania too? I'm not sure.
A visitation scheduled for my FSSP parish in Sacramento. Can’t believe I actually sang rather than read that extremely entertaining and clever Gilbert and Sullivan adaptation. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a great laugh! Thank you for sharing!
The FSSP needs to give Pope Frantic and his cronies the heave ho and tell them to go pound the proverbial sand. Where are the Lions in our clergy?
They are at my parish this weekend.
Pray hard, that's all I can say. I have no inside information, but I don't trust anyone from Rome or sent by Rome anymore. It's terrible to have to say that, yet all the evidence bears it out. God preserve us and protect us.
They will be at mine in about two weeks... How did the visotation at your parish go?
I am out of the country so I wasn't around when they were in town.
Oh dear... I'm out of the country and won't be back in time, too! I didn't plan on interacting with them, but I was looking forward (in a frightened kind of way) to seeing how it would go -- or at least to standing side-by-side with my fellow Trads as we all undergo scrutiny.
Whisper it quietly, but I think it went well. The bishops complimented us on a lot of things and as far as I'm aware, didn't have one bad thing to say about us.
John Church is a good friend of mine. He told me his little popesplainer Gilbert and Sullivan satire would be seeing the light of day soon. Glad to see it!
I always love collaborations!
Another bumper edition, thank you.
I immediately reread Matthew 16. So much in that chapter for sure. This might just be stylistic, but does anyone one know why verse 19 refers to keys plural rather than key singular?
Supplementary: Can you or your readers recommend a good devotional for meditating on the First Saurdays/First Fridays?
There are various interpretations but among the most common are that there are two keys (as you can see in most artistic representations), the one representing authority over earthly affairs, the other authority over heavenly or spiritual ones; or one key represents doctrinal authority and the other disciplinary jurisdiction.
For the First Saturdays, any classic Marian literature will work well. For First Fridays, you can't go wrong reading the great saints of the Sacred Heart: St. Gertrude the Great, St. Mechtild of Hackeborn, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.
The best devotional for meditations on the First Saturdays are the Infancy Narratives of St Matthew and especially St Luke, with St Luke going all the way to the Finding in the Temple. Also, the last eight chapters of St John, especially the Last Will and Testament of the Sacred Heart, which mirrors the Immaculate Heart, and of course the accounts of the Passion in the other three Gospels.
The Three Keys given to St Peter are represented by the two swords the Apostles showed Christ, which are named by Boniface VIII (A really bad pope, by the way, who murdered his predecessor, who unlawfully abdicated... but I digress), the temporal and spiritual. And the spiritual has two parts- doctrinal and moral, so a total of three keys, if you will.
These keys are contrasted to the single key given to the Star that Fell from heaven in the Apocalypse, to open the Bottomless Pit, bringing forth forces that usurp temporal authority and wear crowns of "Imitation Gold". These are the modern political leaders who have no true authority, and to whom we should swear no fealty, as they are enemies of the Gospel of Christ.
The link to Kmita's 666 article is broken, and a search of Kmita's Library itself yields no results. Can anyone please help me track it down? Many thanks in advance.
That was my fat finger getting the URL incorrect. Here's what it is (and I'll go back and fix it in the main article):
thank you so much!
Scripture reading at NO Mass by the lector: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my left hand...
Ps 109-1. Dyslexic
Oh, by the same token, they have replaced St Paul's Cornerstone with a Phallic Capstone. Paving the way for the Antichrist.
Vigilius (in a very nice article) writes: "In my opinion, the problem with this moral-psychological definition of the essence of the celibate life is not that it incorrectly describes the anthropological and subjective-spiritual effect that could possibly be observed phenomenologically. The difficulty is rather that Woityla makes this effect the motive of celibacy. This turns the description into an anthropocentric, i.e. a subject-theoretically framed justification."
Or in Kierkegaardian terms, celibacy is judged by aesthetic/intellectual standards, instead of apostolic standards. Same goes for Wojtyla's (and his many lesser acolytes') approach to 'theology of the body.'
From the "Don't try to save the local parish" article:
"The only option was to correct the priests’ actions and words, but that puts us in the awkward position of possibly disrespecting the one who has spiritual authority over us. [What does that mean?!] And I have a very high view of the priesthood and did not want to be in a position of regularly criticizing priests." Um... cognitive dissonance much?
Our Lady of Fatima who? God, at Fatima, made a New Covenant with man, salvation of souls through devotion to the Immaculate Heart. Why? Because the Institutional Church is going to be destroyed. "Rome will lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Antichrist"- Our Lady of La Salette.
Modernism was condemned by Pius X, but he unfortunately did not clean out the modernists in his own curia namely, Cardinals Rampolla and Gibbons, and Bishop Ireland, who made brought democracy and freedom to the Philippines. He even told Gibbons how wonderful America was. Huh? Pius X was really the first of the great reformers. Among other things, he demoted Candlemas Day. What a shame.
Your vote for the Orange Messiah was a vote for the Apocalypse. Just saying. Trump is every bit the puppet that Biden was, and a flaming Ziocon to boot. Well, enjoy WW3 and the annihilation of your nation. Good riddance. (Anybody taking either politics or the Vatican seriously at this point has lost the plot, hopefully people will understand that soon and not make compromises to stay with the party of the Antichrist, as many did with Fauci Ouchie- some to their eternal remorse.) You might want to read "The Franklin Coverup" by Mr DeCamp for some of the Cliff's Notes on the Satanists Trump has been involved with.
The pre-1955 Missal is a vast step in the right direction. The 1947 Liturgy Committee appointed by Pius XII was a softening up process for the imposition of the Abomination of Desolation- er, the Bogus Ordo, which was planned in the Masonic Lodges in 1850 and prophesied by Canon Roca. (His very astute notes were preserved in "Athanasius and the Church of Our Times" by Bishop Graber. Roca said that vatican II would forged the knife under which the Papacy would die. Mission accomplished. And his Apostolic Constitution Sacramentum Ordinis, with its bogus definitions, paved the way for Paul VI and the "Reformers" to abolish the Sacrament of Holy orders. (The Fraternal Society of St Peter might be interested in the Fine print as well as patrons to their chapels.) As for me, I'll stand with the Council of Florence and St Thomas Aquinas. Accept only true liturgy from true priests, and anathematize all imitations and substitutions, just like Betty Crocker baking her wedding cake.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us. You are our only hope!
Prof K, thank you, as ever, for the link. Here it is again in case it was missed. RIP.