Happy to join the FSSP in their Novena & Consecration. Question: Is the Vatican done with their "visits" to their Seminaries, etc. I've reached out to the FSSP Church I attend when in FL, but haven't heard back yet. PRAY

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The visitation is continuing. I believe the European part is done, now the USA side happens, with visits to the OLGS seminary in Denton and several apostolates. Maybe the HQ in Pennsylvania too? I'm not sure.

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A visitation scheduled for my FSSP parish in Sacramento. Can’t believe I actually sang rather than read that extremely entertaining and clever Gilbert and Sullivan adaptation. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 What a great laugh! Thank you for sharing!

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The link to Kmita's 666 article is broken, and a search of Kmita's Library itself yields no results. Can anyone please help me track it down? Many thanks in advance.

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That was my fat finger getting the URL incorrect. Here's what it is (and I'll go back and fix it in the main article):


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thank you so much!

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Another bumper edition, thank you.

I immediately reread Matthew 16. So much in that chapter for sure. This might just be stylistic, but does anyone one know why verse 19 refers to keys plural rather than key singular?

Supplementary: Can you or your readers recommend a good devotional for meditating on the First Saurdays/First Fridays?

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Scripture reading at NO Mass by the lector: The Lord said to my Lord, sit thou at my left hand...

Ps 109-1. Dyslexic

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Prof K, thank you, as ever, for the link. Here it is again in case it was missed. RIP.


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