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I recently read Morello's book, which I enjoyed very much. I read it after a summer of diving into "The Devil and Karl Marx" and "The Devil and Bella Dodd" (tough reads, but I wanted to know how we got here). And so now I understand why it would be that the institutional Church is de-sacralized and de-supernatural-ized.
Marxism is materialistic atheism. If Marxists successfully infiltrated the Catholic Church (and both Mrs. Dodd and a male American defector, said that in the 1930s they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in doing so!), then these materialist atheists WOULD make everything that Catholics think, say, hear, and do materialist and atheist (ignoring God). And the Novus Ordo I grew up in was man-centered, ugly, irreverent, and not spiritual at all. I thank God that He never let my faith waver and that He led me to Tradition.
You have an uncanny ability to spot exactly the one hyperlink that I managed to forget each week! (And I thank you for pointing it out. I just updated the article.)
Re: Why Confession Nearly Disappeared. Oh how painful a memory. I was shocked when I came home from college for Christmas break (Vermont Circa 1975) and arrived in time for the Advent Penance Service. Four Priests, the choir and an announcement that General Absolution would suffice for our forgiveness; no opportunity for private confession; but there would be a party in the hall afterward.
This went on for years as I recall. It wasn't until I was 28 and happened into a beautiful Church around the corner from my new apartment that I realized confession was still a thing. For that, I am very grateful!
On the trans-disciplinary Teilhardian scientism, I'd highly recommend John M Wynnes's 'A Catholic Assessment of Evolution Theory" and "The Catholic Teaching on Scriptural Innerancy". Absolutely outstanding books for grounding oneself in Catholic Tradition, as bulwarks against pernicious bogus science.
Outstanding roundup!
Thank you!
I recently read Morello's book, which I enjoyed very much. I read it after a summer of diving into "The Devil and Karl Marx" and "The Devil and Bella Dodd" (tough reads, but I wanted to know how we got here). And so now I understand why it would be that the institutional Church is de-sacralized and de-supernatural-ized.
Marxism is materialistic atheism. If Marxists successfully infiltrated the Catholic Church (and both Mrs. Dodd and a male American defector, said that in the 1930s they succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in doing so!), then these materialist atheists WOULD make everything that Catholics think, say, hear, and do materialist and atheist (ignoring God). And the Novus Ordo I grew up in was man-centered, ugly, irreverent, and not spiritual at all. I thank God that He never let my faith waver and that He led me to Tradition.
Amen! I agree with what you've said here. It all makes sense when you connect the dots. Which, sadly, most people are not able or willing to do.
I was unable to find a live link for the SSPX Mont St. Michel story.
You have an uncanny ability to spot exactly the one hyperlink that I managed to forget each week! (And I thank you for pointing it out. I just updated the article.)
Re: Why Confession Nearly Disappeared. Oh how painful a memory. I was shocked when I came home from college for Christmas break (Vermont Circa 1975) and arrived in time for the Advent Penance Service. Four Priests, the choir and an announcement that General Absolution would suffice for our forgiveness; no opportunity for private confession; but there would be a party in the hall afterward.
This went on for years as I recall. It wasn't until I was 28 and happened into a beautiful Church around the corner from my new apartment that I realized confession was still a thing. For that, I am very grateful!
On the trans-disciplinary Teilhardian scientism, I'd highly recommend John M Wynnes's 'A Catholic Assessment of Evolution Theory" and "The Catholic Teaching on Scriptural Innerancy". Absolutely outstanding books for grounding oneself in Catholic Tradition, as bulwarks against pernicious bogus science.