This is a splendid article. Volumes could be written about all the points you presented. It is beyond belief what has been eliminated under the banner and guise of "noble simplicity" Maranatha

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I hope you may some day be appointed to the very necessary but still to be to be created office of Inspector Liturgicus Maximus totius mundi Latini!

An excellent and liturgically speaking life-saving article. Thank you very much!

‘No one has more courageously and luminously called out the spiritually dessicating bureaucratization of the Church than Bishop Athanasius Schneider[ …].’

What a gift of the Holy Ghost! (This is the first time that I have seen him in this light.)

Suggestion from personal experience: in order to get ‹desiccate› (q. v. infra) right, think like me of ‹siccus›.

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Thanks for catching my misspelling! I've just fixed it.

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While I read your article I thought this is what I long for when I enter the church for mass. If only I had the ability to see this even once , my heart is in tears right now, but if I could experience this I might not stop crying for weeks after. There would never be any question of who God is and how we would live our lives when experiencing the true Holy worship of our God here while on earth. Thank you for writing this.

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"Byzantine envy" is real. I swam the Tiber from Orthodoxy eleven years ago and it took a while (and immersion in the TLM) to get over it.

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