Aug 30Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

I’m another who is enjoying the Bevan book. Thank you for the recommendation. And I’m very pleased I happened on your Substack. I returned to the Catholic Church a couple of years ago after many years as a Protestant. It was a surprise to me when I began to know God was calling me back! It was a very specific call to the traditional church and I’m so grateful to be in a beautiful little TLM community.

Thank you, Dr Peter for all your help as I learn about my Church and the beauty of our faith. I’ll certainly pray about subscribing. It’s tricky now that we are retired!! And being in Australia everything costs a bit more with the exchange rate!! Having said that, I am a writer/ author too and I understand how hard it is to make ends meet.

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So glad to hear you found your way back (or rather, the Lord led you back). As I like to say, there's nothing so good and great as the Catholic Church - if only it wasn't for the bad clergy who spoil it! We must have patience and a lot of prayer.

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Aug 30Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

I love reading your articles, and have several of your books. I would like to subscribe to your substack, but it is just not affordable for a single-income large family to pay a subscription to each of the substacks I would like to follow. Why don't you merge, or create a group subscription? Then I could read you, Leila and Phil Lawler, Hilary White, and others.

I would never subscribe to a magazine that featured only 1 writer; please get substack to allow you to make subscription groups, and then I would be able to consider subscribing.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

I hear you. Single-income large families and elderly readers are two categories that understandably have trouble with the model. But I don't think the idea could work.

Substack benefits from having as many Substacks as possible, and the individual writers who are trying to eke out an existence also benefit from having dedicated subscribers. If, let's say, Hilary, the Lawlers, and I teamed up, that would cut down our support by 2/3rds, even though it would be beneficial to some readers.

In my view, what makes Substack work is that there will always be a portion of the readership who are able to commit to supporting the writers they love, and this makes the free content for everyone else possible. Basically, one has to think of it like patronage or sponsorship: the sort of person who would pitch in to bring a speaker to town for $3000 is the kind of person who'd pay $60-$80 a year to support that same speaker.

Also, I don't think the magazine comparison really works. Substack is designed to bring readers to the authors they particularly enjoy; it's like customizing a magazine or newspaper to have just the writers you appreciate/want to read, as opposed to all the stuff you skip over.

Plus, don't forget that Julian writes here, so it's a two-man show. :-)

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Aug 30Liked by Peter Kwasniewski

I too am greatly enjoying the Bevan book - thank you for the recommendation! And about your blog - I really love it. I learn from it, I laugh, I sigh. But I always gain from it. It is mind-expanding and solacing at the same time. It's like having a chin-wag with good friends. I thank you, Dr K. God bless you and Julian.

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Thanks for being such a good and faithful reader. I love your comments, so full of life.

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Thank you so much for the lovely little prayer, Peter! I occasionally am reminded how lucky I am to be in a place where we have a Latin Mass parish, with three or four Masses celebrated (and Confessions available!) most days, and this gave me a good prod to be more thankful for what we have here. For the spiritual and cultural wasteland of the rest of Melbourne, and Australia, we are really blessed.

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We have reached peak trad. The problem is thousands of snide and backbiting comments from traditionalists online (that remain online forever, and never stop). The de-evangelising effects are now inextricably linked to the Latin Mass. In short, the trad movement is de-evangelising and has been hoist by its own petard. No one ever bothered to curtail 'toxic traditionalists'. The movement's worst vestiges are now coming home to roost. There were firm warnings given, but always ignored. It is a sad day.

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I could not possibly disagree with you more.

1. Trads do not have a monopoly on "snide and backbiting comments." Oh no, not at all. As one who is very present online, I have firsthand experience of how the fall of Adam does not play favorites in its effects.

2. The Latin Mass is one of the most powerful evangelizing forces in the Church. This is perfectly obvious to those who are not wearing blinders. I have met countless young people who would not be Catholics today if they had not discovered the TLM, and others who have converted from atheism or nothing because of the trad communities they stumbled across by God's providence.

3. The enemies of tradition have been fighting their war against it for decades now, long before the "online toxic trads" even existed. Their beef is theological, ecclesiological, moral, and cultural. They are the ones whose errors are coming home to roost, as we can see in this miserable pontificate, and in the sham synods.

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Well according to the last SSPX provincial head I spoke to about this, they were in agreement with me regarding the poor state of affairs of online laity. So maybe things are not as clear cut as you suggest.

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Not saying there are no problems, only that your presentation of them was too stark and undifferentiated.

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The verse that comes before Ephesians 5:22 is as follows: “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.” This seems like mutual submission to me, and the way I understand it is that husband and wife have different “missions”, and each is to submit to the proper mission of the other. A husband who loves his wife will submit to her mission of nurturing and home making and babies. And she will submit to his mission of protection and providing and being a father.

How is this not right?

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