Tradition & Sanity is devoted to big themes—faith, reason, culture, fine arts, theology, spirituality, liturgy—from a traditional Catholic perspective. If you’ve ever seen my work at OnePeterFive or New Liturgical Movement, or looked at books such as Reclaiming Our Roman Catholic Birthright and The Once and Future Roman Rite, you know the sorts of topics I delve into and why they are important—not only for Catholics, but for anyone who appreciates the inheritance of Christendom and Western civilization from Homer and Plato down to Arvo Pärt and Benedict XVI.
Here is a place where words will not be minced as we lovingly dwell on—and pugnaciously defend—the Word made flesh and all the treasures He has bestowed on His Church over the past 2,000 years (or, rather, 3,000, as the Church continues the Chosen People of the promises and sacrifices).
Now for the nitty-gritty:
What’s in it for subscribers?
Everyone receives my free open-access weekly articles each Thursday and Friday, and can leave comments or questions.
Friday’s articles usually take the form of “Weekly Roundups” in which I share recent articles, essays, interviews, videos, that I have found particularly insightful. Book reviews are also a part of the Friday eclectic mix.
Paid subscribers, in addition, can read in full my Monday Exclusive post, and gain full access to the archives of past articles.
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A brief bio
Peter Kwasniewski was Born in Arlington Heights (near Chicago) and raised in New Jersey. He earned a B.A. in liberal arts at Thomas Aquinas College and an M.A. and Ph.D. in philosophy from The Catholic University of America.
When “ABD,” Dr. Kwasniewski moved to Austria where he taught for seven and a half years at the International Theological Institute in Austria and in the Franciscan University of Steubenville's Austria Program. In 2006 he moved across the world again to help establish Wyoming Catholic College in the town of Lander, where he taught philosophy, theology, music, and art history and directed the choir and schola until 2018.
Since 2018, Dr. K has been a full-time writer and speaker, contributing to blogs, magazines, and newspapers. He has published over twenty books and his work has been translated into at least twenty languages. To this day, he remains an avid singer of Gregorian chant and polyphony, and a composer of sacred music.
I run a few websites:
The bookshop associated with this Substack.
My composer site, Cantabo Domino.
The site of my publishing company, Os Justi Press, publisher of Guardini’s Sacred Signs, Parsch’s The Breviary Explained, anthologies of Catholic poetry and of John Henry Newman, the Os Justi Studies in Catholic Tradition, and the most fabulous traditionalist coffee mugs you have ever seen.