I remember in my neophyte years attending Mass at the local campus ministry chapel, run by Claretians. The older Claretian priest serving as chaplain there at the time went out of his way to tell the student body not to pray the St. Michael prayer aloud/corporately after Mass concluded. He told everyone that "I'm a big fan of Vatican II" and that the since Vatican II suppressed the Leonine prayers, to not pray the St. Michael prayer. He said one could pray it devotionally after Mass but it seemed that wanted to discourage it corporately.

Also, that same priest kicked out the FOCUS missionaries at the campus chapel because they were orthodox on the "same-sex attraction" issues. He made it seem in his homily announcement that the FOCUS missionaries weren't allowing SSA folks to be apart of the student community (I highly doubt that) and so he was going to get a different group. He was definitely a progressive fellow.

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This is exactly the kind of thing that demonstrates the axiom: lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi!

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Another interesting historical note is the intention for which the Leonine prayers were prayed. Initially Leo XIII had them being prayed for the liberation of the Church after the Masonic takeover of Rome in 1870 and later after the Lateran Treaty Pius XI retained them for the conversion of communist Russia.

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Yes, I'll be coming to that in the third part of this series.

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In some places the Divine Praises were added. Will you be discussing this as well?

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Bravo! Looking forward to the next installment.

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