Sitemap - 2024 - Tradition and Sanity

Icons as the Fruit and Seed of Incarnation: Windows into the Mystery of Christ and His Mother

Dr. K's Weekly Roundup, December 27 Edition

Catholic Ritual’s Appeal to Imagination: Émile Zola’s Low Mass

Evermore Give Us This Bread

Weekly Roundup, December 20 Edition

Why the Epistle Should Be Read Eastwards and the Gospel Northwards (Part 2: Conclusion)

Why the Epistle Should Be Read Eastwards and the Gospel Northwards (Part 1)

Weekly Roundup, December 13 Edition

Pastime with Good Company: Five Ideas for the Holidays

Our Lady as Seat of Wisdom and Ark of the Covenant

Weekly Roundup: December 6 Edition

In the Footsteps of St. Paul (Part 3: Conclusion)

In the Footsteps of St. Paul (Part 2)

“Heaven and Earth Shall Pass Away…”

Five Advent Chants Every Catholic Should Sing [+Free PDF]

In the Footsteps of St. Paul (Part 1)

Weekly Roundup: November 22 Edition

Tradition and Sanity Christmas Gift-List

Likoudis to the Rescue? On the Flaws of an Old Conservative Warhorse

The “new jesus” of Our Times + Weekly Roundup, November 15th

Rounds, Grounds, and Other Forms from Four Composers

Bloodbath in Tyler: Why (and How) Traditional Catholics Must Resist the Suppression of the TLM

Weekly Roundup, November 9 Edition

Serious Young Catholics Crave Tradition—and We Should Listen to Them

Why I Am Voting for Trump a Third Time

Weekly Roundup, November 1 Edition

Understanding the Crisis in the Church: Insights from Three Readers

Three Contemporary Catholic Composers Set the Song of Songs

Briefly Browsing a Bevy of Books

Four Unshaken Arguments Concerning the Mass

Why We Should Follow the Traditional Catholic Numbering of the Psalms

Weekly Roundup, October 18 Edition

A Tour of Great Music of the Spanish Renaissance

Why We Can Say the Blessed Virgin Mary Is the Mediatrix of All Grace and the Co-Redemptrix

Weekly Roundup, October 11 Edition

“Deliver us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, from all evils past, present, and to come”

Bugnini Wanted to “Update” the Rosary—But Paul VI Wouldn’t Let Him

Weekly Roundup, October 4 Edition

Ten Gregorian Chants Every Catholic Should Know [free PDF included]

Ancient Education and Modern Regression: Perfect Man, Imperfect Child

Weekly Roundup, September 27 Edition

Reasons for Serious Skepticism about the Medjugorje Apparitions

Exploring a Poem: Hopkins’ “The Sea and the Skylark”

The Great Good of Social Dancing: A Reply to My Critics

The 150th Birthday of a Musical Revolutionary: Arnold Schoenberg’s Journey to Atonality and Why It Matters

Do Christians and Muslims “Worship the Same God Together”?

Weekly Roundup, September 13 Edition

Why Catholics Should Learn to Dance

Clarifications on the Reign of Novelty: A Letter Exchange with a Friendly Critic

Announcing the Tradition & Sanity Bookshop—with a Back to School List

Happy 200th Birthday to “God’s Minstrel,” Anton Bruckner

A Path to Home: Belloc's Paradoxical Pilgrimage

A Letter to All Our Readers & Weekly Roundup

Has Devotion to St. Joseph Supplanted Devotion to St. John the Baptist?

Crocodile Tears and Hand-Wringing: No GPS Coordinates for the Unicorn

What Was It Like to Live Through the Vatican II Period? (+ roundup)

Abide in the Unblemished Heart of Mary

Renaissance Consort Music

Recommended Reading Roundup, Deluxe Edition

The Reign of Novelty and the Sins of the Times: Why the Novus Ordo Is Solely Modern in Content (Part 4 - Conclusion)

The Reign of Novelty and the Sins of the Times: Why the Novus Ordo Is Solely Modern in Content (Part 3)

Treasures of the Sewing Room at St. John Cantius

The Reign of Novelty and the Sins of the Times: Why the Novus Ordo Is Solely Modern in Content (Part 2)

The Reign of Novelty and the Sins of the Times: Why the Novus Ordo Is Solely Modern in Content (Part 1)

A Newman Quintet, Two Lectures & Weekly Roundup

“Be ye not conformed to the world”— Digital and Otherwise

Martha, Martha… Has the Church Forgotten Her Priorities?

A Strong Shield against Bosphorescence; plus a Copious Roundup

To a Friend, on Persevering in a Most Unholy and Unchristian Age

“He Knew What Was in the Heart of Man”: Spiritual Cardiology

Numinous Norcia & Roman Forum Forays

My Mountains

Smiling Madonnas and Laughing Infants

“Beauty Attracts”: An Interview with Dr. K on Liturgy, Europe, Chant, the Baroque

What We Learn from Monasteries—and What It Means to Be a Benedictine Oblate

Medieval Liturgiology Redivivus: New Appreciation for Aquinas & Co.

The heresy of “Solo Papa”; Cultural elite stands up for TLM; and more

My Sweet Wyoming Home

“The devil must flee from the soul sealed with the very Blood of Christ”

Limericks on Liberal Liturgists... More Analysis of the Rumors... Some Prayers... and more!

Between Legalism and Lawlessness: The Relationship between Pope and Bishops

How to Talk Like a (Traditional) Catholic

Analysis of the Rumors of Vatican Crackdown on the TLM

Five Poems Every Catholic Should Memorize

Is It Impious to “Reassess” Fulton Sheen?

Trenchant Tirades on Technological Transmogrifications

Carlo Acutis and the Dangers of Saint-Propaganda

Deliberately Dressing Up

Weekly roundup: St. Martinville, new YouTube lectures, & more

A Tour of Lands, Lutes, and Lutenists

Whatever Happened to the Sacred Heart Devotion?

FSSP Ordinations, a First Mass, Yosemite, and more

Vindicating Mystery Against Its Rationalist Enemies

Incomprehension, Wonder, and the Search for Truth

Major interview, new releases from Os Justi, Butker & feminism, favorite articles

“We May Not Fully Understand…”: Reality Beyond Words

Why Pentecost Should Be Celebrated for a Week (i.e., the Pentecost Octave)

Centenary Columba Cornucopia (+ weekly roundup)

N. C. Wyeth, Draftsman of Childhood Imaginations

Telling Beads, and Beading Tales: The Stories Stored in Our Rosaries

The emergence of a rich literature on the pope and the papacy (+ weekly roundup)

Was Flannery O’Connor a Fan of Teilhard de Chardin? Setting the Record Straight

Why I Signed the Statement Calling for Francis’s Resignation or Deposition

Sanctus Ranch — New T&S features — Seeing Sicily in style

An Instrumental Love-Affair

Conservatism as a Dead-End: Why We Need to Be Traditionalists

“Catholic Answers” from an AI-avatar? The Next Bad New Idea

Tradition as Mine-and-Yours-and-Everyone’s: Overcoming the Peculiar Loneliness of Modernity

The Test of Time and the Augmentative Power of Tradition

MOTA review, Limitless?, Weapons & Warfare, retreats & recommendations

Man as a Tradition-Constituted Liturgical Animal

Is Man’s Dignity “Infinite”? Or, How Not to Write an Opening Sentence

Celebrating One Year of Tradition & Sanity (and a four-question poll at the end)

Four Obscure Instruments You've Never Heard Of (But Will Love to Listen To)

Can We Legitimately Pray for a Pope's Death?

Podcast Functionality!, Greetings from Gower, Recovering Trads?, &c.

“The Catholics” (1973): A Trad Film Ahead of Its Time

Two Poems for the 55th Anniversary of the Modern Rite

What Should Take Precedence: Tradition or Scholarship?

A setting of the "Stabat Mater" for Holy Week

Miserable Disintegration

"Guardians of Tradition," Card. Burke's Novena Prayer in Latin, Bishop Schneider, and more

The Need for Continual Purification as Basic Spiritual Attitude

A Painter's Panoramic Passion

Trad gangstas, MOTA-mania, Kennedy Hall, and other odds-and-ends

A Mystic Who Shed Tears During Mass—and Who Shows Us How the Mass Should Be

Sustained by Tradition: A Prisoner’s Journey (Part 3)

And... the coupon code for the Aquinas Opera Omnia 25% discount

Opera Omnia Omnivores

750 Years Ago Today: The Angelic Doctor Enters Eternal Life

Can a Priest Give a “Non-Liturgical Blessing”?

Customs, Cranmer, Immorality, Ignorance, Austin Revisited

On the Scope and Limits of Papal Power (Part 2)

Why It Is Better Not to Understand Everything Immediately: The Wisdom of Traditional Liturgy

Why It Is Better Not to Understand Everything Immediately: Q&A Period

What do Auden, Borges, Greene, Mauriac, Muggeridge, Murdoch, von Le Fort, Waugh, Ashkenazy, Britten, Casals, Menuhin, Segovia, Marcel, Maritain, Del Noce, and Watkin have in common?

A Chicago Premiere, the Wisdom of Tradition, Thomistic Mystagogy, Conciliar Shenanigans, and more

On the Scope and Limits of Papal Power (Part 1)

Vatican II as Cause of Cultural Revolution: Questioning the Victim Narrative

Austin woes, pre-55 Holy Week, a special Valentine, and more

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Inadvertent Theology of Motherhood

On Obedience: A Letter to Catholics in Distress

Ultramontanism, Florida, Fasting, and more

Ten Ways to Get More Out of Mass (Part 3)

Theological Precisions on Prophecy & Private Revelation

"The Bishop of Bray" and other colorful things

Ten Ways to Get More Out of Mass (Part 2)

How a False Unification of Nature and Grace Led to Their Divorce

Angels Everywhere: A Spate of Recent Books

Ten Ways to Get More Out of Mass (Part 1)

How Did the Church Descend into a State of “Managed Decline”?

A Special Visit to an Icon-carving Workshop

Whom Would You Trust about Hell—Our Lady or Pope Francis?

Good Plagiarism: Education in Copying Christ

Weekly Roundup (January 6-12, 2024)

The Body is the Alphabet of the Soul

A Declaration of War: Francis & Fernández against the Faith of our Fathers

Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Led by the Star of Beauty to the Love of Beauty Unseen

The Mystery of the Circumcision of Christ